
We recommend playing the game on a desktop computer or laptop because some elements are not accessible on mobile devices. Based on your operating system use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari as browser.

Also don’t forget to disable your adblockers.


Have some pen and paper ready and note everything (yes, we mean everything) relevant. It may come in handy later.


By solving the puzzles you earn points which will define your ranking in the end. Be aware that points will be deducted if you claim the clues.

Forgot the solution?

You had to pause the game and forgot the solution? Just ask your team for any missing solution. If you click the clues instead, points will be deducted for the whole team and they won’t be happy about that.

Wait for each other!

This is team play! Strugglers will be shown a pop up notification which contains the solution of the actual puzzle. If team members are two or three puzzles ahead you have to ask them for the solutions. So keep up with your team and be one puzzle behind at most.

Joined the wrong team?

No problem! Just leave the team so you can type in the correct ID to join your team.

You need to take a break?

No problem! The team is synchronised via the ID until you actively leave that team. You can even close the browser window or the browser itself. But be aware that you have to type in the solution again.

Your team score is not affected by this as well.

Error! Wrong solution? / Button doesn't appear?

In rare cases (e. g. when using outdated browsers or having adblockers enabled) some false solutions are shown as correct to your team members. Keep in mind that only the correct solution will trigger the continue button to show up– if the solution is typed in correctly.

When copying the solution from the solution tab (below the clues) by selecting the text with the cursor and then pasting it into the solution input form there might be a hidden space character being pasted as well which can cause the button to not display. Make sure there are no such hidden characters inserted.

Browser cache

If you clear your browser cache the link to your team ID will be lost. You have to rejoin your team or create a new one.

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